Remember those coin pusher games for mobile and… physical version? Well now you have one for Switch in the form of Pharaoh’s Riches. You shoot coins to knock coins into the basket to get more coins. There’s a bit more to it. Ten coins in the basket get a slot sphere. A slot sphere in the basket will cause the slot machine to spin. If the symbols match you get an item. Four of the same item in the basket starts fever mode. There are main modes, Score Attack and Endless. Score attack gives you fifteen minutes to rack up a high score. Endless mode is just that, endless and really no point to it. There is also multiplayer in Pharaoh’s Riches, where you and your friends work to get as many coins as possible.

Now what to give Pharaoh’s Riches. It’s a coin pusher game. It is completely mindless. Just shoot coins at the right time, and that’s about it. You can aim up and down too, if you want, or not. The audience for this is ultra casual audience. But why pay $7.77 for this when you have countless free versions on mobile? It makes utterly no sense. You play one round of score attack, you’ve seen all this game has to offer. Maybe with multiple boards, things would be different, but there is only one. Pharaoh’s Riches gets a Not Recommended with a five back-end score. There is absolutely no reason to play this.
Overall: Pharaoh’s Riches is a coin pusher game with absolutely no reason to exist at all. Better playing a free version on mobile.
Verdict: Not Recommended
eShop Page
Release Date | 9/17/24 |
Cost | $7.77 |
Publisher | SAT-BOX |
ESRB Rating | E |
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