Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 has brought numerous new movement mechanics that has significantly increased the pace of gameplay. These movements further allow players to keep the action running, whether they’re escaping a sweaty combat situation or outrunning the storm.
Similarly new items such as Wind Sprites and Typhoon Blade are also great ways for players to traverse the island faster than just sprinting. However, players have now found an exploit using the new item which lets them travel miles across the island.
Fortnite Typhoon Blade exploit allows Chapter 6 players to travel larger distances
Fortnite has released a new item called Typhoon Blade which is basically a samurai sword that can register quick slashes on enemies nearby. However, the blade also allows you to Dash quickly using its Wind abilities and hit a Cyclone Slash to an enemy afar.

But a glitch method where you swap between a weapon in your inventory slot and a Typhoon Blade in quick succession allows you to travel further. To do so, simply swap to another weapon as soon as you use dash using your Typhoon Blade and then swap back to the blade rapidly.
Keep repeating this process and keep in mind to initiate it when you’re on a high ground. This will then propel you forward faster and would throw you as far as over 1,000 meters on the Fortnite island.
While the glitch is not yet patched, it’s best performed when you’re using a controller. However if you’re on a keyboard and mouse input method, use the mouse scroll wheel to swap back and forth quickly while you spam the dash button.
Still, it’s not guaranteed that this method would work for you since it requires a certain learning curve to master it. But once you do it, you’ll have no issues outrunning the storm or even reaching a teammate who is in danger.